New Method Reveals How Epoxy Flooring Businesses Get More Jobs, Better Leads, and Reliable Follow-Ups...

without dealing with bargain hunters, unqualified leads, or free consultation no-shows ever again.

From The Desk Of Jarem Atkinson

Lehi, UT

Dear Epoxy Flooring Owner,

If you're in the epoxy and concrete coating industry looking to expand, this is the most critical letter you'll read today.

I'll show you why in a moment.

But First... A Disclaimer:

Please understand the results I'm sharing with you are not typical. I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter).

I have the advantage of years of experience in marketing, consulting, and advertising for the flooring industry, both before and after recent industry shifts, and have an established following as a result.

The average flooring businesses that listen to any “how to” information get little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only.

Your results will vary and depend on many factors... including but not limited to your business model, market, experience, and work ethic.

All business involves risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT CONTINUE.

With that said… let me jump right in and show you…

The (Worst?) Status Quo For The Underserved Epoxy Flooring Industry

Big Box Lead Sellers, Generic Marketing Firms, Appointment Setting AKA "No Show" Agencies... They'd like to say they've got your back.

They'll claim you'll get hundreds of leads & significant increases in revenue...

But honestly... I don't see how.

I mean, maybe they do.

Maybe all the stories I've heard are wrong. But look, I did my research. I opened up the laptop and started using my trusty friend Google.

I spent months researching all of this.

I even spoke with dozens of real-life flooring business owners on the phone...

Both big and small. Owner/operators and multi-location enterprises.

Here’s what I found from hours of industry interviews:

HIGH VOLUME LOW QUALITY LEADS - Agencies focus on quantity over quality, bringing you leads that can't afford your premium services, then you're left managing frustrated and confused prospects.

LOW PRICE LURES - Now you're advertising a low-cost offer hoping you'll build a book of business, but we both know earning minimal fees isn't worth your time & you've got to upsell hard.

AUTOMATED APPOINTMENT SETTING - Agencies use automated systems to book people who aren't qualified, remind them repeatedly, and then, when you try to reach out, they disappear.

ZERO QUALIFICATION - Even if the agency calls back leads, they spend minimal time on the phone without properly qualifying them or discussing budgetary constraints.

It makes me think there's room for a change.

For something better.

And I'm not claiming to be the saint of the "Flooring Business Fix-It Kingdom."

All I'm saying is if I can change an industry for the better, I'm in.

The Huge Opportunity

This new method is dramatically different from anything you've ever experienced because it’s a 'step by step' guide to getting real human beings raising their hand and saying 'Yes, I understand it costs money. Let's talk about scheduling your services,'

The reason why this is 100% different than what you've tried before is because there’s no advertising free estimates, leads know the price points before signing up, and they go through an interactive qualification process before landing directly in your sales team's inbox.

Honestly, it just blows the competing services out of the water.

No dealing with freebie seekers that saw a free estimate ad.

No low ticket prospects who can't afford any of your floors to begin with.

No having the 'follow up' fall through the cracks because you or your staff were too busy.

And all it takes is about 20 minutes to know if it can do the same for you.


Every single lead gets qualified before being sent to your sales team for the next steps.

They are called back by OUR staff (not yours), and WE talk to them (not you).

We ask the tough questions...

- When are you planning your project?- How serious are you about a high quality floor?- Have you set aside a budget for this project?

This way, you're only dealing with leads that know the costs and are ready to proceed quickly.

If they don't qualify, we don’t move them forward.


Every morning, your sales team can walk into your office with 3, 5, or even 10 people interested in your services, each knowing what they can spend and serious about moving forward.

The leads are yours, exclusive to you, and never sent to another company.


We're very selective about who we work with. We only want businesses that...

Are ready to grow - If you’re content with a few jobs and just getting by, that’s perfectly fine. But then, this might not be for you.

Understand the need to invest in marketing - If you’ve grown by word of mouth alone, that’s great. But effective marketing requires investment.

Aren’t spending critical funds on marketing - We need you to be financially stable, not betting your last dollar on this.

If this sounds like the partnership you’ve been searching for...


Here’s how we operate:

YOUR CAMPAIGN - We manage your campaigns to ensure leads are directly routed to your team. Fast and efficient.

PAID OFFER - We only advertise your premium services. No freebies. Just straightforward, clear pricing.

QUALIFICATIONS & NOTIFICATIONS - Leads complete a detailed questionnaire. When they qualify, you and your team get notified with all the details.

Out of 10 leads, 2-3 are strong enough to be transferred to you, and from there, one or two usually turn into a real, revenue-generating project.


Here’s why.

We’re not a massive agency. It’s just a dedicated team committed to a few, focused clients.

We have limited spots available. Once they’re filled, that’s it.

Want To Review The Program, How It Works, How Much it Costs, And How You Can Get Started?

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